Know what you’re treating.
While symptoms of Flu, RSV, and COVID-19 are similar, treatments do differ which is why it is important to distinguish between illnesses caused by respiratory viruses and bacteria.
Although bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics, antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to human health today. Misuse of antibiotics is accelerating resistance, which is especially important to be aware of during Flu season.1
Take the strain off antibiotics. Swab for Flu.
All Australians are responsible for taking the strain off antibiotics. One way to achieve this is to ensure your patients and employees with respiratory symptoms are tested. This will identify if the infection is viral or bacterial, which will help determine if antibiotics are necessary.
Identifying respiratory conditions through a Flu swab, will not only help to reduce the unnecessary use of antibiotics, it will also help Australians better understand the potential risk to their household or workplace.